Our Sunday morning and Wednesday Night Services are held at our Main Campus located
at 430 Hickory Ridge Rd, Meansville, Georgia 30256.
Our Church Office is located at the RUSH Ministries building in downtown Thomaston.
Location: 109 North Center Street Thomaston, Georgia 30256
At Northridge it is our heart to see individuals connect with a Holy God. It is our hope that through each song, message, and connection made, that you will see life change! It is our hope that you experience the Love of Jesus at Northridge.


Our services will last approximately 85 minutes per service. Each service will have the lyrics of the songs projected on the screens, so that you can follow along and worship with us. Dress is casual!
Sunday services are held at 9:00am and 11:00am.
Our Wednesday night service (or Mid-Week Service) lasts approximately 60 minutes, and starts at 7:00pm. This service is center around a book study of the Bible.
We believe that your Kids should enjoy church every single week! Our Ridge Kidz program is centered around fun interactive learning, using Rightnow Media, and Outdoor Bible lessons.
Your child's safety is our top priority. We use a checkin and checkout system to ensure that you are the one dropping off your child and picking them up. We also check the temperature of each child and adult worker in our children's areas.
We encourage you to arrive a little early to check-in your child for the first time. This process will take no longer than 5 minutes. Our Ridge Kidz ministry is offered at each service.


View us live before you attend? We encourage you to join our online family by clicking the button below! Our online services start each Sunday morning at 9:00am & 11:00am. We will begin our livestream 3 minutes before each service starts.
Our services are streamed to our Facebook Page and YouTube each Sunday morning. You will have access to our Livestream Minister and Prayer, while watching the service.